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Alastair Keyes

Picture of Alastair Keyes Picture of Alastair Keyes
Alastair Keyes

Commercial Manager


Alastair Keyes

Alastair’s extensive experience in the commodities and maritime industries in North America and worldwide aligns perfectly with Nedstar's international goals. As our North American Commercial Manager, Alastair is dedicated to bringing his customers bespoke solutions to help them grow their business.

Describe Nedstar in 3 words

Fun, international, dynamic

Describe a project or accomplishment you're particularly proud of.

I'm particularly proud of breaking into the North American market and establishing a strong presence.

What's the most rewarding part of your job?

Helping our clients grow their business by delivering tailored solutions.

If you could work from any location in the world for a month, where would it be, and why?

Portugal because the food and drink are amazing - and so is the weather!