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Eva van Bergen Henegouw

Picture of Eva van Bergen Henegouw Picture of Eva van Bergen Henegouw
Eva van Bergen Henegouw

Commercial Manager

Dutch, English

Eva van Bergen Henegouw

Eva is a Commercial Manager on our European distribution team, and she brings a special touch to Nedstar. She's passionate about growing our organic business and is dedicated to making a positive impact both globally and locally. Her commitment and enthusiasm truly drive us forward.

Describe Nedstar in 3 words

Dynamic, ambitious and supportive

What's the most rewarding part of your job?

Coming into the office every day, surrounded by colleagues who are constantly striving to excel, exploring new business strategies, and finding the best ways to support our clients, is incredibly inspiring. This collective drive to improve gives a great positive energy to the business. It's a win-win-win for me personally, for Nedstar, and for our clients.

If you could work from any location in the world for a month, where would it be, and why?

It would be great to experience different surroundings, so I would prefer to be on the move for a month. Maybe I'd see if there are any last-minute spots available on a random airplane and let myself be surprised. This way I get to explore places that wouldn't be on top of my mind. Probably I'll pack light, although there is always space for my diving mask!

Can you share a favourite team memory or event that you've enjoyed with your co-workers?

Before officially joining the company, I was invited to Nedstar's 5th anniversary party. The Nedstar team made me feel welcome and part of the team from the moment I boarded. The stories they shared gave me a great impression of the company and this was a wonderful way to start my journey with Nedstar.