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Mees Kremer

Picture of Mees Kremer Picture of Mees Kremer
Mees Kremer

Commercial Manager

Dutch, English, French, German

Mees Kremer

Mees has been at Nedstar for almost four years and is an indispensable force in the French-speaking market, namely Africa. With his background in law and interest in communications and marketing, he has a wide skillset that supports Nedstar's commercial department.

When not at the office, you can find Mees trying to beat his record time at marathons or preparing for his next cycling tour.

Describe Nedstar in 3 words

Young, dynamic and adventurous

What's the most rewarding part of your job?

The most rewarding part of my job is seeing our customers succeed. When everything operates smoothly and our efforts result in happy, satisfied clients, it makes all the hard work worthwhile.

If you could work from any location in the world for a month, where would it be, and why?

I'd love to spend a month working from the Norwegian mountains. The calmness of nature there is incredibly soothing, and I'd enjoy the chance to ski in the winter or hike and cycle in the summer. It would be the perfect mix of peace and adventure.

Can you share a favourite team memory or event that you've enjoyed with your co-workers?

One of my favourite team memories is when we went to Zeeland, my home province. We had dinner at the beach I used to visit as a kid, and it was amazing to share that special place with my colleagues.