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Victor Zilio

Picture of Victor Zilio Picture of Victor Zilio
Victor Zilio

Head of Sales and Operations

Portuguese, English, French, Spanish, Dutch

Victor Zilio

Victor started as an intern at Nedstar five years ago and is now our Head of Sales, overviewing the commercial department and partner relations. Born and raised in Brazil, Victor came to the Netherlands to finalise his education in Finance. With his analytical eye and insight into the Brazilian market, Nedstar has been able to create long-lasting relationships with partners and suppliers in Latin America.

Describe Nedstar in 3 words

Fast, ambitious, trustworthy

Describe a project or accomplishment you're particularly proud of.

Being Nedstar's first employee and assisting in the development of most processes and departments has been extremely fulfilling. It's fantastic to see how each department develops and how the company grows as a whole as we achieve our goals.

What's the most rewarding part of your job?

Being part of an ambitious and successful project alongside a talented team working towards a common goal is truly inspiring.

Can you share a favourite team memory or event that you've enjoyed with your co-workers?

It was a great milestone celebrating our 5-year anniversary and recognizing our company’s success. We had a fantastic time on the company boat celebrating with everyone who’s been part of Nedstar’s journey.