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The Bible lists the basic categories of food items which are not kosher. These include certain animals, fowl and fish (such as pork and rabbit, eagle and owl, catfish and sturgeon), most insects, and any shellfish or reptile. In addition, kosher species of meat and fowl must be slaughtered in a prescribed manner, and meat and dairy products may not be manufactured or consumed together.
Why so many foods need kosher supervision? Not all products made from kosher ingredients are inherently kosher. For example, cereals with non-kosher-coated raisins or potato chips fried in equipment used for non-kosher products can be non-kosher. Kosher production requires all units and subunits to be kosher, and equipment used for non-kosher products needs kosherization.
Kosher Certification is the stamp of kosher approval by a rabbinic Agency verifying they have checked the products ingredients, production facility and actual production to ensure all ingredients, derivatives, tools and machinery have no trace of non kosher substances. The Kosher Certified symbol assures consumers that both the actual product and its production adhere to all Kosher Law requirements.
Meat (Fleishig)
Foods derived from certain animals that meet specific slaughtering and preparation requirements.Dairy (Milchig)
Foods containing dairy ingredients, prepared using kosher utensils designated for dairy.Parve (or Pareve)
Foods that are neither meat nor dairy. This category includes fruits, vegetables, grains, and certain types of fish.Kashrut laws originate from the Torah, the central reference of the religious Judaic tradition. These laws dictate what foods can and cannot be eaten, how they should be slaughtered, and how they should be prepared and processed.
Various kosher certification agencies exist worldwide, and they are responsible for inspecting and certifying food products as kosher. These agencies may have different standards, but they generally follow the same basic principles of kashrut.
Certain non-kosher items or utensils can be made kosher through a process known as "koshering" or "kashering." For example, utensils used for non-kosher foods may need to be immersed in boiling water or subjected to other purification methods.
During the Jewish holiday of Passover, additional dietary restrictions apply. Foods that are "kosher for Passover" must adhere to a more rigorous set of guidelines, avoiding certain grains and their derivatives.
Obtaining kosher certification can be economically advantageous for food manufacturers, as it opens up their products to a broader consumer base, including Jewish consumers and those who seek products with the added assurance of kosher standards.
Nedstar can supply your product with kosher certification from a recognised kosher certification agency. This guarantees your product complies with the orthodox Jewish standards of kashrut (Jewish religious dietary law) in terms of ingredients and production processes.